Respondus 4.0 is a program that allows you to take a formatted Word document and get a file that can be uploaded to create a Canvas quiz. There are three parts to this process. 

First, you will need to create a document that is formatted so Respondus 4.0 can read it. 

Second, you will need to use Respondus 4.0 to create a QTI file that can be uploaded to Canvas.

Third, you will need to upload that file to Canvas.

1. Create a Formatted document with the questions you want to be included in the upload to Canvas:

The key part of this process is ensuring that questions are formatted exactly as Respondus requires. Depending on the type of question, the formatting will also be different. 

Here is the guide from Respondus that shows how to format each question type (see Appendix. pages 41-51).

2. Use Respondus 4.0 to create a QTI file

  1. Contact Blake for the Respondus 4.0 Installation Password and information and download link.
  2. Download and install Respondus 4.0.
  3. When choosing an environment, select IMS QTI (and not Canvas):
  4. 🎬 Here is a video showing how to create a QTI file in Respondus. 🎬

3. Upload the QTI file to Canvas

Here is the Canvas guide for uploading a QTI file.