Now that Marian users can no longer access Panopto content, concerns have been raised about how students from concluded courses can still see Panopto recordings. While the Panopto content and links no longer work, we can share with the imported Panopto content with students through Yuja. This process involves a few steps:

  1. Organize the Panopto video in Yuja.
  2. Set up a Yuja channel for your concluded courses (at least the ones that still need access to the recordings from that course).
  3. Share your Yuja folder with the channel.
  4. Post a message on the Concluded Canvas Course

Step 1: Organizing Panopto videos in Yuja

Create a folder for each of your past courses. Think of these folders as containing the best-of-the-best of the past videos of the course. You can choose from all past versions of the course that you have access to and choose the best ones that cover each topic. I recommend organizing this folder with sub-folders that make the most sense to your course. 🎬To see an example of what this might look like watch the video here.🎬

Step 2: Setting up a Yuja channel for an old course

  1. In Canvas, go to the concluded course with whom you want to share that folder. 
  2. Click on the Yuja link. You may need to activate the course navigation link if you do not see it (see the instructions here if needed).
  3. Repeat these steps for any courses that you want to do this for.

Step 3: Sharing your Yuja folder with that channel

🎬View the video going over this process here.🎬

  1. Go to
  2. Click on All Channels on the left side menu. (This part of the video is a bit more complicated for me in the video because I have access to all of the channels; yours should be easier to find in the list. If you need to, you can click the three vertical dots on the left menu to make it wider to see more of the course's names.)
  3. Click on the course that you want to share the folder with.
  4. Click on Edit Channel at the top:
  5. Click on Add Resource:
  6. Click on User Collections to see your library.
  7. Use the expandable menu to find and select the folder that you want to share (it will usually be found under My Media Collections).
  8. Clicking on the folder will open and show the content within the folder but if you just want to share the folder view then choose the folder and then click the Select button.
  9. You should get a message saying that it has successfully been published and see the folder within your channel on the screen.

The students can now access the same folder view that you see when you go to that folder. This view is locked in time to when you share it. This means that if you add new content to that folder, it will not be automatically added to the student's folder view. In order to update it, you will need to unpublish the resource and then re-publish it to reflect the changes.

To unpublish resources to a Channel

🎬View the video going over this process here.🎬

  1. Go to the channel. (This part of the video is a bit more complicated for me in the video because I have access to all of the channels; yours should be easier to find in the list. If you need to, you can click the three vertical dots on the left menu to make it wider to see more of the course's names.)
  2. Click on the resource.
  3. Click on More Actions
  4. Click the "unpublish sub-channel" to unpublish a folder. 

Step 4: Post a message on the Concluded Canvas Course

Go to the concluded course.

  • If the course uses a home page, go to that page, click on Edit, and add a message near the top informing students something along the lines of: "To access recordings for this course, click on Yuja in the left menu, click on All Channels, click on the link for this course."  🎬See a video example of this process here.🎬
  • If the course uses Modules as the home page, I'd recommend posting a text header near the top of the module list (you can create a new module for it to make it stand out as well) saying the same message as above. 🎬See a video example of this process here.🎬